I am still trying to get the hang of planning healthier meals. I am trying to overhaul breakfast, school lunches, & dinner. I am now focusing on following the food guide which means incorporating more fruits & veggies. The Canada Food Guide suggests children 5-8 years old should have '5 servings of fruits & veggies'. The US Pyramid breaks it down a little different saying Christian's age group needs 1 - 1 ½ cups of fruit ad 1 ½ cups of veggies. I like how the US version breaks it down into 'cup' servings because it makes it easier for me to measure just how much he really does get.
On Sunday we picked up a Take & Bake Pizza and all the fixin's for salad. Millard diced & chopped everything and set up a 'build your own salad' bar on the kitchen island. It was a big hit with Christian! He was super excited and dug into his salad right away. One thing we decided to try was to serve the salad alone as a starter. This way the focus was on salad and not pizza, which didn't even go into the oven until we were done eating our salad. When I turned and looked at Christian he had all the lettuce out of his dish and on the table. We had bought 'mixed lettuce leaves' compared to our usual 'romaine' and he just didn't like it. I was not expecting that! Sure, we could've tossed it back in his bowl and forced him to eat it, but we want eating healthy to be fun & natural - not forced. So Christian had a lettuce-free salad and slice of pizza.
Ok so I have to admit that breakfast at our household during school days had been very rushed and not so healthy. I would always let Christian pick out the oh so common cereal box that we all see advertised on TV. I'd pour a heap of sugary cereal with 2% milk into a bowl and set it on the table. I've obviously been slacking and taking the easy, unhealthy way out. Breakfast is referred to as the most important meal of the day, but somehow I don't think that a bowl full of sugar is what they are talking about. Breakfast is supposed to refuel my child and help boost his brain power for a busy day at school. Recently I've been making a better attempt to start Christian's day out with a healthier meal. I am keeping on my track of incorporating more fruits and because we have a super-sized box of cornflakes in the pantry I figured we'd have to use them up first. At a closer look at the labeling though I realized that the cornflakes aren't so bad compared to...
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